Our Voice, Our Services

PAST NEWS - 2021
Under 16's Group Meeting
Only one young person attended the virtual meeting.
That said they gave lots of good ideas for activities to develop for this age group.
Feedback was also given to a redesign of The Promise document and ideas for a Children's Right booklet (both in the pipeline).
The young person also took the opportunity to share their feelings about being in lockdown.
Talk about the up[coming baking session also took place.
Interview Panel Training

This month we held our second virtual training session for 16+ young people. Two participants completed the 2 hour training, and are now ready to take on the responsibility of assessing the suitability of potential new employees.
They were supplied with a workbook by post, which they were able to follow the training online, delivered by OVOS staff.
More training opportunities are planned for later in the year.
Half-term Virtual Baking
(This was a virtual session, with ingredients delivered in advance).
We had 9 children gathered happy and ready for the baking session.
Started with a quick fun game to break the ice.
Elise and Clare led the way through the recipe, making COOKIES !! and the children were able to communicate through video chat messages.
While the cookies baked, we took time to talk with the children about the Solihull Promise, showing them the new styled version being developed.
Everyone enjoyed the baking session and we had comments and from the children and foster carers;
‘she loved it and did it all by herself’
‘I think it went really well, well done’.
‘She loved it and made the most gorgeous cookies’.
Two of the children gave the session 100% for enjoyment.
We also got suggestions about things they want to do in the future; more baking sessions, an Easter Egg Hunt, making Easter Eggs and Bunnies. Basically more virtual activities!

Want to join in?
We'd love to hear from you!
Email: ovos@solihull.gov.uk
Ask your Social Worker or PA to contact OVOS.