Our Voice, Our Services

Under 10's
Being in care
​Many children and young people like you are in care or have been in care.
For most this means living away from your family. This can be a scary time as you will meet lots of new people and may not understand all that is happening or why.
There are many reasons why children and young people come into care. Whatever the reason, it is important to remember it is NOT YOUR FAULT. Try not to worry about what is happening or going to happen as there will be trusted adults and other children or young people you can talk to if you are worried or upset.
School is a really big part of life for all children. You may love going to school or you may not like it but getting a good education can really help you in the future.
While you are in our care:
- You will have a PERSONAL EDUCATION PLAN which you may call a PEP. Before your PEP, you will have help filling in a Child’s views KS1 KS2 form-Ed8
- Even if you move to live in accommodation away from your family home, your social worker should try and make sure you stay at the same school. However, if you have to change school your social worker must find you a new school place within 4 weeks.
- There should be a named teacher who supports all children who are in care at your school. This teacher can help you if you need help with your school work.
- You will also have a worker from the LACES Team, who will make sure that your school and your social worker are supporting you to do the best you can do at school.
- Your school should keep a note of what happens in your education, what you are doing well and what they can do to support you.
Hello, we work as a team of nurses, doctors and administrators and are employed by the NHS.
So what do we do? We meet you for health assessments when you first enter care, then twice a year for children under age 5 and once a year for children and young people over 5 years.
We will complete health summaries with useful health information once you reach 18, this is for you to keep.
We are around for support if you want to talk and can be contacted at our office or via email.
We will support your health until you reach age 19+, we offer a Care Leaver “drop in” last Friday afternoon of the month. Please ring us for details.
It is really important for you to be healthy, happy and feel safe. Our aim is to support you with this by talking about your health, advising on any support you may need, but most importantly making sure that you have a say in your health.
Whilst you are in care you might meet with the nurse or the doctor for a Health Assessment at home of in a clinic, OR somewhere else you feel most comfortable, OR you may prefer to talk on the phone and that is OK.
We understand it can feel really hard if you are struggling with worries or think you have a health problem but not sure what to do about it.
Many young people will talk to their friends to get information about health issues. The problem with this can be you may not get the best advise to meet your needs.
Our team is happy to offer you support, health assessments and advise when you need it and where you feel most comfortable.
Your information is important. We respect this and we talk to you about what we share and why – if it’s a worry that someone is hurting you or you aren’t safe, we have to share this with social care. But if it’s a personal and sensitive health matter, that’s different and we don’t have to share unless you agree.
The main this to remember is that there is someone you can talk to or if you would like information about websites you can access for information, please contact us.
Our team number is 0121 295 3010 or our email is bhs-tr.LAC-teamforsolihull@nhs.net
Hobbies & Activities
Whilst you are in care your carer will try and make sure you keep up hobbies or activities you did before you came into care…. if you still want to do them. They may also encourage you to try new activities or hobbies.
This will also be discussed as part of your Review and your PEP meeting.
If you want to take up a hobby or activity ask your carer or social worker and they will try and make this happen.
If you are living with your parents it is up to your parents to help support you in getting involved in hobbies or activities.
Pocket money
Whilst you are in care you will get pocket money every week.
Your carer may give you some of your pocket money weekly or may give it you when you need it. This will be written into your Child’s Plan.
You carer will encourage you to save some of your pocket money every week.
If you are living with your parents they will choose whether they will give you pocket money and how much.
It is good to save either for something you really want (such as a games console), or something you want to do (like going somewhere special), or savings for your future. Getting used to saving when you are younger is important and a skill that helps you when you are a grown up.
Whilst you are in care your carer will:
- Open a savings account for you
- Save weekly for you
- Teach you how to manage your money
- Talk to you about savings. You can make savings out of your pocket money. You may want to put this into your bank account or into a piggy bank or jam jar.
Remember it is good to save.
If you are in care for more than a year Children’s Services will also make some long term savings for when you are grown up which you will get when you are 18.
- Try not to spend it all at once.
- Think about what you may want to use the money for now and in the future.
- This money is to help support you in adulthood.
Clothing Money
Whilst you are in care your carer will get money to make sure you have the right clothes you need for:
- School
- Home / going out
- Activities you may take part in
They will also make sure you have certain clothes if you need these to practice your religion or faith.
If you have special or favourite clothes you want to keep to remind you of something special let your carer know and they will be kept for you.
Some children like to have sleepovers at their friends houses and when you are in care this should not be any different. If you want a sleepover at a friend’s house ask your carer about this. Just like good parents would do they will want to make sure you will be ok and well looked after whilst you are there as they need to know you will be.
“When I stay at my friend’s house my carer will talk to my friend’s parents first. My carer will check out the arrangements, find out what I will be doing and make sure they have the address and telephone number. It is good to know they want to look after me”