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Work Experience at Solihull Council
Solihull Council can help support you with finding work experience in its’ many departments such as admin, accounts, computing and many more.
The Council is keen to ensure young people in care and care leavers are given first chance of work experience in the Council.
To be considered for a work experience placement complete an application form and give it to your social worker or PA.
Work Experience
Whether you are not in work or training or you are at college, getting some hands on work experience can be helpful to you.
It can help you:-
Build up your confidence.
Get used to being in a work place.
‘Learn the rules’ of working.
Test out if an area of work is for you.
You may also need to do some work experience as part of a college or university course.
There are different ways to do work experience:
as part of a one or two week one-off block placement.
for a day a week over a set period of time.
for a number of weeks/months.
You can do work experience anywhere where the company or organisation is happy to support you.
You can approach companies directly, but may want to get some advice or support from your carer or social worker/PA.
Usually volunteering is unpaid work, but it is a great way to try out different areas of work, gain experience and meet new people.
It can sometimes lead to further training opportunities or even job offers in the future.
Some voluntary organisations also give you the chance to work towards awards, which look great on your CV!
Here are two sites to get you started
The Employment and Skills Team at Solihull Council are there to help you on the path in to employment or learning.
Click the image below to view of their Youth Employment Promise flyer.
The Employment and Skills Team at Solihull Council can be contacted:
Telephone: 0121 704 6869 (Tuesday - Friday)
Email: employmentteam@solihull.gov.uk
Apprenticeships are a great way to start your career. They are real jobs which have training attached to them and they take between one and four years to complete.
There are over 1500 job roles across a wide range of industries with pay ranging from £4.15 an hour to £17,000 a year.
Depending on skills and qualifications you can apply for the following types of apprenticeship;
• Intermediate Apprenticeship (level 2) ~ GCSE level
• Advanced Apprenticeship (level 3) ~
• Higher Apprenticeship (level 4 or above) ~ alternative to university
Visit the National Apprenticeship Service website www.findapprenticeship.service.gov.uk/apprenticeshipsearch to view hundreds of local vacancies and to apply.
Visit the National Careers Service website for general advice on getting back to work
Visit Solihull4Success Search for Jobs page to see which local businesses are recruiting in Solihull
Traineeships are an ideal opportunity for young people, aged 16 to 24, who are motivated to get a job but lack the skills and experience that employers are looking for.
Traineeship opportunities are advertised regularly on GOV.UK - find a traineeship.